Reading by Nelly Ann Moon

Am I on the right soul path with these Soulscape Sketches? This recent reading for me by Nelly Ann Moon (and a recent go at the Transformation Game) seems to indicate so. I’ve just got to accept that I will learn and grow this technique through experience. 🙂

My recent Spirit Guide reading:

I have meditated on your image and was immediately joined by a young woman. She tells me little about herself but stands in a universe of stars. She gives me the name Tara and is of Hindu origin.

Her energy is all about education and supporting others. She says you are a good and trusted friend to those around you, an intelligent and caring woman that has a lot to offer. As with the stars so do you shine when helping others. This is your life path. An educator, a sharer of knowledge and experience.

Tara gives me a message. She says, those things we are born with or endure through our life are our scars of hope, they are out teacher and allow us to pass on our knowledge to others. They are our blessing, not an affliction, not our enemy.

She says, shine like the stars in the universe and follow your dreams.

Tara is of strong energy, a beautiful soul. The feeling I get from Tara is that something has affected your life, be it when you were young or ongoing but it’s something that you should embrace and and use your knowledge to help others in the same situation. I don’t know if this is an illness, disability or an event you went through, she hasn’t made that clear. But the energy she is sending to you is all about education, learning and passing on the knowledge. It could be you are thinking of taking a course or even starting a course for others. Shared knowledge and experiences.

Sorry I can’t be of anymore help, listening to her speak was like listening to a voice down the end of a long tunnel so words were coming through a little distorted

Something I’ve just been made aware of. Tara in Hindu means star  – all makes sense eventually.

Reading by: