Archive post from Tumblr site August 25th 2014 – Example Reading 3

Example Reading 3

The spirit that came through appeared in a traditional Chinese geisha outfit and had the presence of a spirit guide rather than a relative. She was quite adamant she was Chinese and not Japanese. When she first came through a request was made for me to use my left hand and for the paper to be used in portrait. When this spirit was asked if she was from the light she was unable to confirm she was so the initial reading was abandoned. On the second try, the same looking spirit came through, but was able to confirm she was working from positive light intentions.

The reason I have waffled on is because this is just as much as a lesson to you as it is for me. Sources of spirit knowledge must be challenged. Those working from the positive light will not mind being challenged and will be proud to prove their positive intentions. Things may look like a guide that you know and trust, but they may be another ‘helper’ with less loving intentions using your guides’ image as camouflage.

The energy of this spirit was very delicate and communicated softly. The name Jasmine may have emotional significance. I was advised that this reading is more about what isn’t being said, than what is.

Present Positive / Seen:

The protective cage/pen that contained you has now broken on one side (right side of drawing). However, you are slowly testing the boundary to see if it’s really gone for good or not. It won’t be coming back, it’s snapped completely and cannot be fixed. You’re free.
The overlooking observer (left side of picture) is facing the other way, so will not be aware of your escape if you leave soon. There appears to be a helper flying above the pen, who will alert you if the overlooking observer should start to look back in your direction.
From the image the overlooking observer was never a real thing, it was just something put in place in order to scare you (like a the use of a scarecrow) and keep you from trying to leave the pen. If you had tried to leave it couldn’t have actually done anything to stop you, it could have only used your fear to make you stop yourself.

Present Negative / Unseen:

Fishing in a lake. The fish is there ready to be caught, but your fishing line is too short and doesn’t actually reach into the water. This is the reason why you are finding it harder than expected to catch the fish when people have been telling you it will be easy.

Past / Lessons Learnt:

Taking a risk. You took a risk flying over a canyon with no support or safety net. Keep your faith and you’ll make it all the way to the otherside. You’ve already made it halfway, don’t let other people’s fear make you look down and doubt the accomplishments you’ve achieved so far. You’re strong enough to fly across the divide, and you’re learning a lesson and gaining experience in trusting in your own instincts and not other people’s fears.

Near Future / Lessons Coming:

Should you need help in your crossing of the canyon, there is a friend on the side that you want to go to who can put a rope across for you to hold onto. This friend did it for someone else, and they are happy to do it for you too.
The person this friend helped, crossed at a narrow part of the canyon, whereas you’ve crossing at a wider part which is why you didn’t see the rope crossing left from their support before.
All will be well, just don’t forget to ask to help if you feel you feel you need it.